Gallery Mine dump truck Son Excellence Monsieur LAMINE ZEINE ALI MAHAMA Le Premier Ministre, Ministre de L’Economie et des Finances DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE DU NIGER Mr. MASSIMO IPPOLITO scientific inventor of renewable wind energy Mr. Sergio Bassino, Electrical Engineer Mr. Laurent Kopp, Scientific and Conseiller Mr. Stephane Clinckart, computer engineer Mr. Ehlers, Minister of Ecuador Mr. Georges Theis, Architect Stem generator 3MW Ambassador of Niger Mr. Toure Electric bus Mr.Richard Olivo, Vice Consul Mr. Olivo, Consul of Ecuador Miss Monica LINTY, Economist Vinicio in Bruxelles Office of Vigwines Office of Vigwines Mr. Octavio Gonzalez, Geologist Miss Honduras-Alejandra Fuentes Mr. Marco Ciccolini, Electrical Engineer Machine 3MW Mr. Juan Carlos Morata, CEO, PDG Mr. Jean-Luc Schmit, Electrical Engineer Mr. Stefano Serra, mechanical engineer Miss Cinthya Maldonado, Writer Mr. Patrice Artigolle, CEO , PDG Mr. Ali E.ALQADIRI Mr. Sebastian-Leon, Counselor of the Embassy of Ecuador Mr. AU-D, Singer Closed container Mr. Davide Miss Alcira Acosta, Writer Pallets in our warehouse Wine cargo Wine in tanker Stock rice Coconuts cargo Discharge of Rice Frozer meat cargo Discharge of wine Wine Cellar Frozer meat cargo Wine Cargo Cosmetics cargo Wine Cellar